
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

24 week appointment

I had my 24 week appointment yesterday. I can't believe how far along I am already. Anyways, I mentioned to the doctor that I've been having some cramping over the weekend. It's not been really painful, just uncomfortable. Anyways, she checked my cervix and everything looks good, not dilation or anything. But, she also did this swab test for Fetal Fibronectin. I guess a negative result can at least reassure you that you will most likely not go into labor early (or at least within the next 2 weeks). It's kind of scary thinking of having pre-term labor, when it's not anything I every suspected. I did still have some cramping last night, but it could just be feeling uncomfortable, braxton hicks, or some pain from scar tissue from the c/s. Hopefully it's nothing. The doctor just said if I have any bleeding, leaking discharge, or contractions to call. On a better note I got to hear the heartbeat on the doppler! I love hearing that little heartbeat! It won't be long now until I'm holding little man in my arms.

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